The final progress meeting of WINTER was held on 13-14/6 in Athens, Greece, by Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)! The meeting was attended both from DMT-THGA (Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola) and Poltegor-Instytut participants, as well as stakeholders from the industry, regional government and other crucial transition stakeholders of Greece.
The meeting was dedicated to the final results from all work packages, such as:
➡hashtag spatiotemporal evolution and coal transition scenarios for Western Macedonia and Konin regions,
➡socioeconomic aspects of coal transition in Greece, Poland and Germany,
➡the web interactive platform and the
➡dissemination activities that WINTER participated in throughout its duration.
We would also like to thank Project Officer Vasiliki Kosiavelou for her very helpful advice on the Horizon Results Platform and future activities.