WINTER stakeholder workshop in Konin, Poland
The Polish WINTER stakeholder workshop was held on 24th May in Konin! The workshop was conducted during the meeting of the Subcommittee for Eastern Wielkopolska (“Sprawiedliwa Transformacja Wielkopolski Wschodniej”). During the meeting, discussions were held on the current challenges related to the transition of Konin region. A wide group of…
WINTER stakeholder workshop in Bochum, Germany
The German WINTER stakeholder workshop was held on 19th March at the Georg Agricola University of Applied Sciences in Bochum! The workshop was held within the context of the HEI4S3-RM ( Innovation and Sustainability Meeting and introduced the WINTER platform to stakeholders from the research and academic community. The workshop…
WINTER stakeholder workshop in Athens, Greece
The Greek WINTER stakeholder workshop was held on 25th April in Athens, with great success! Participants from very important transition stakeholder entities had the opportunity to learn more about the project and the functionalities of the WINTER platform. The workshop was a great opportunity for the consortium to both promote…
WINTER presented at the CINTRAN Regional Stakeholder Workshop
WINTER was presented by CERTH at the CINTRAN Regional Stakeholder Workshop. The workshop took place on 20 October in Kozani, Greece. CERTH presented an overview of the project, emphasizing on the various features of the WINTER platform, with great success amongst the participants of the workshop.
WINTER presented at the 13th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE 2023)
was successfully presented at the 13th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE 2023) held on 11th – 14th July, 2023 at Harokopio University in Athens, Greece! Our partners from CERTH presented the most important aspects of the project, as well as preliminary results from our web interactive platform. Click here…
WINTER Platform has been updated!
Explore and compare the spatiotemporal evolution of project’s case study areas based on Corine Land Cover (CLC) datasets, by clicking the “Layers” icon. This update includes new widgets (swipe, charts & screening reports) regarding the Western Macedonia region (Greece). Watch the following video for a brief overview of the web…