The second progress meeting of WINTER was held on 5-6/6 in Wrocław, Poland, by our partners at Poltegor-Instytut, attended both from Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and DMT-THGA (Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola) participants!
The first day of the meeting was dedicated to a fieldtrip at one of the most impressive coal mining heritage sites, Stara Kopalnia (“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre) in Wałbrzych, the biggest post-industrial tourist attraction in Poland ( Stara Kopalnia is an ideal example of successful reclamation and repurposing of a former coal mine for cultural activities! The guided tour included the museum, which contains a lot of original equipment, as well as underground galleries. The underground mine and its equipment was used in the same way for many decades, until the closing of the mine in 1996.
The second day of the meeting was dedicated to presentations of the progress of all work packages, including:
- preliminary Machine Learning results from the spatiotemporal analysis of the post mining areas
- current developments and features of the web interactive platform
- project management
- results from the information gathered about the technical and legal aspects of mine rehabilitation and reclamation and land uses
- results related to social aspects of transition such as governance and stakeholders
- the online presence of the project
- future events and activities
We would like to thank our colleagues at Poltegor Institute for their hospitality and all the participants for the the insightful presentations and fruitful discussions, as well as Project Officer Vasiliki Kosiavelou, for her very helpful advice on dissemination and exploitation strategies.