The WP1 focuses on the administration and financial management of the project by the coordinators, for the fluent project progress and successful completion. These tasks are accomplished by collaborating with partners, organisation of work, and planning forthcoming tasks. Project partners will be involved in the delivery of internal reports and attendance to progress meetings. The main objectives of WP1 are:
• Coordinate the work of all project partners in order to guarantee the scheduled project progress, achievement of the objectives and observe the envisaged expenditures.
• Guarantee and maintain a fluent communication among the partners.
• Submit the project reports (Technical and Financial) by the deadlines set by the Commission.
• Maintain the communication with the EU.
Mine closure can leave behind a number of environmental degradation alongside many challenges regarding the environmental rehabilitation and repurposing of former mining assets and coal regions in transition. WP2 aims at the identification of the main environmental challenges regarding land reclamation in the selected coal regions (Western Macedonia, Ruhr area and Konin region), collection of existing experience of post-mining regional management and application of available land rehabilitation technologies in the best possible ways. Tracking spatiotemporal changes and building scenarios of the future uses of the post mining areas will form a basis for sustainable planning and promoting public engagement and participation of the society.
The main objectives of this work package are:
• To indicate environmental aspects of land reclamation and rehabilitation.
• To analyse the reclamation and rehabilitation regulations being in force in the particular countries.
• To present the best and the worst practices of post-mining areas reclamation.
• To develop and evaluate scenarios of transition processes in the selected coal regions.
WP3 aims to investigate socioeconomic parameters of coal transition, by carrying out a systematic collection of data from the case study regions to assess the socioeconomic effects of the coal transition and to develop management strategies for the implementation and institutional structures in the 3 case studies. It also aims analyse the transition management processes in order to determine best and improper management strategies and implementation practices by identifying the actual processes, management strategies and practices that operate within these governance models and analyse their implications for post-coal governance. Final outcome will be a transition management handbook with lessons learnt, recommendations for governance, institutional structures and implementation as well as community participation. The main objectives of WP3 are:
• Develop a dataset of socioeconomic parameters like number of new jobs, unemployment rate, income, value creation etc.
• Develop of an ideal-type governance and management structures for transition regions.
• Develop a Transition management handbook with lessons learnt, recommendations for governance, institutional structures and implementation.
WP4 aims to integrate the results of WP2 and WP3 in order to produce guidance for the selected regions. All the results will be integrated into a web interactive platform to assist local authorities and stakeholders to deal with the transition process. The produced management tool will be designed properly in order to can be easily used by the authorities and coal sector stakeholders as well as to be extended to other areas facing similar issues.
The specific objectives of WP4 are to:
• Collect and homogenise all the available information (geospatial data, reports etc.) for the selected case studies.
• Visualise the results of WP2 and WP3 to produce interactive material (maps, figures, graphs etc.).
• Design and develop the web platform.
• Integrate the interactive material in the platform.
WP5 focuses on the support of dissemination and transfer of the results to the whole European coal industry, closely related neighboring industries, policy makes, trade unions, academia, NGOs and other stakeholders involved in the transition process.
The main objectives of WP5 are:
• Propose best practice solutions for updating territorial just transition plans of the pilot regions.
• Support the dissemination of the project results.
• Conduct training workshops with the key-stakeholders for the use of the web management tool.